Cornish Images


What are we?

Hopefully an informative website based originally on pictures and other media from the Ducky of Cornwall.

Who is behind Cornish Images?

My name is Claire Stocker. A native of Cornwall, I was born in St. Austell and lived in that area until at the young age of 6 my family moved us to Truro, the Capital of Cornwall.

I grew up in Truro, fell in love in Truro, married in Truro (well Kea), my children were born in Truro, I divorced in Truro! I later trained to be a nurse and worked for must of my working life at Treliske Hospital and nursing homes around Cornwall In short, Truro and Cornwall is in my blood and soul, I simply cannot imagine a life without contact with the Duchy I grew up in. 

As said in my Cornish Images 2001 page (link top of page), I created and owned this domain back in 2001. I was still a student nurse at that stage and so my attention was on my new career following qualification later that year. In 2004 I let my ownership slip and I lost the domain. I assume the subsequent owner of the domain did similar as I was delighted in July of 2024 to find the domain once again available! 

So, if this is a Cornish web-site, why is Scotland included?

Good question! After living in Cornwall all my life (1968-2020, you do the maths) I fell in love and was whisked off to rock in the Atlantic! Okay, not a rock, the most glorious island in the incredible island chain of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.

My life is therefore shared between Cornwall - where my grown-up children still live - and the Outer Hebrides where I now am blessed to call my home.

The majority of my photography is based on the Uists, what the Vikings called the 'Long Island'. Actually a chain of half a dozen or so inhabited islands, the Uists comprise Berneray, North Uist, Baleshare, Grimsay, Benbecula, Island Flodda, South Uist and Eriskay. My partner has three wonderful grandchildren and they recently moved with their lovely mum to Aberdeenshire, so a proportion of photography comes from that part of Scotland as well.

Can I buy any of your work?

For now, the website is only at the construction stage so I can't sell and work directly yet. But if and when I get to that stage of course you can. In the mean time, I do have three books in print, two are Cornwall based and the latest is a novel, based mostly in the Hebrides.

Please visit for more details

From the creator of....